Father’s Day Ideas for New and Expectant Parents
Whether you are new dads and mums, or still excitedly awaiting the arrival of your baby, Father’s day is a great opportunity to treat the man in your life to a really memorable gift!
A book to share with the baby.
Research has shown that dads who regularly read to their children have a deeper bond with their little ones. When I was expecting my first daughter, I bought this book for my husband for Father’s Day so that he could start the habit of reading to his children early on. In fact, he read this to them while they were still in the womb!
Something for baby… that he will love, too!
Not on the High Street has some really lovely things, some can be personalised, too. And when you purchase through NOTHS you are supporting a small business – so you can feel warm and fuzzy inside for supporting a hard-working small business owner like me!
A personal trinket.
Whether your other half is musical, or loves cars or even ballroom dancing (!) you can guarantee that these things will take a backseat once your baby has arrived, as your new addition will be demanding rather a lot of your attention! However, it’s important that you both remember that you have hobbies to go back to, once life has settled down a bit. A gift like this guitar pick will help to remind him that he’s still got his own interests, but that your new baby will always be top priority!
A photography session with his new baby.
Photographs of new dads and their babies always melt my heart. The wonder of a new parent and the adoration from a newborn baby – emotional connections captured for a lifetime – you only get one chance to do this when your baby is so little. I offer a gift bag which contains a voucher for a newborn portrait session (parents included in the images!) and a small soft toy gift which will make this Father’s Day truly remarkable.
Feed his inner child with TOYS!
There aren’t many grown men who don’t get quietly excited about boys toys! And it doesn’t matter whether you are expecting a boy, a girl or a surprise – all children love to play with something that their daddy is interested in. My youngest daughter LOVED her train set when she was a toddler – and it was made even better when Daddy played, too! My younger sister had the BEST scalextric track, and I was the proud owner of the best Matchbox car collection in my street!
Spend some quality time together.
Your time in the next few months will be rather focused on nappies, feeds and sleep. So, if you are still awaiting your new baby, why not spend an evening out together to look forward to being new parents! If you have older children then book a babysitter and head out for the evening!
A peek at your baby
If you still have some time to wait until you meet your baby, why not take a sneak peek at your little one with a 3d or 4d scan. There are some fantastic packages available, from an early bonding scan, to a gender reveal, to an incredibly detailed look at baby’s face! This is a lovely way for new dads to meet their baby before their little one actually arrives!